You are here on purpose,
for a purpose

Your limited time here is meant to uncover as much of that purpose while you can.

Your gifts. Your strengths. Your contribution. These can all be found when you stand in the fullness of your being and restore balance between intuition and your thinking mind.

If you’re reading this page, you may hold onto limiting beliefs and mental blocks that inhibit you from creating the abundance you seek.

Perhaps you’ve tried a few ways to re-claim your power, energy, and peace, but still you struggle to feel the profound connection, fulfillment, and satisfaction that is your birthright.

And life goes on and you remain caught in the routines of life, getting the same results and repeating the same patterns.

It doesn’t have to be this way. 

You can choose to alter your circumstances and increase your ability to flow through a mindset of never-ending discovery, play, and reflection.

With a clear mind and open heart, the path leading to everything (and nothing) you've ever envisioned becomes possible.

Will you choose to take the first step to make change in your life?

Are you ready to awaken?


my story so far


I’m speaking from experience because owning my truth hasn’t been easy. 

For a long time I existed on auto-pilot. Unconsciously handing out my power to entities outside of my own being. I chose suffering that was familiar over the work of body and mind liberation. 

Living this way left me dispassionately zigzagging from one job to the next, prioritizing the requests of others, fulfilling false identities and roles, and mindlessly consuming to the point of illness.

Time, resources, and peace of mind were scarce. I was burned out, numb, and lost.

But when old programs break down, new energies can rise.

By studying the art and science of reconnecting with Oneness through mindfulness practices, I began to access, accept, and revolutionize the parts of my being that existed in the shadow. Each resource that I integrated became a necessary key for my awakening.

These experiences eventually led me to create a supportive and integrative coaching model that would assist others on the path to reclamation of their Highest Self.

My methods have been practiced and nurtured for the last six years with hundreds of students from all walks of life.

Each technique intends to practically support the modern day human regain personal independence of their body, mind and soul.

My approach combines both aligned and ecstatic movement, the return to stillness for meditation and breath, ceremony, ritual, dialogue and knowledge of your numerical birth chart to encourage the life long unfolding of who you really are.

The results? Growth and empowerment in more ways than you can imagine.

Not attached to one guru, spiritual lineage, or religion, my teachings are universal, yet specialized to those who sense there is more to their life and would like devoted and unwavering assistance getting there.

My holistic teaching style is informed by Spirit, an M.Ed., my mentors, personal study, years serving in the field of higher education, over 700 hours of mindfulness related training, and too many books and therapy sessions to admit. 

Currently Florida based, I have dreams of building a center for others to explore creative movement, experience plant medicine, attend wisdom workshops and reconnect with lost ancestral practices.


A Complete & mindful Approach to Healing

My mindful approach to assisting soul-filled humans like you will elevate your connection, so you can live in alignment on the daily and experience greater flow in your relationships and life.

Ready to work together?

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what others are feeling

Within every one of us is a radiant Being aching for self expression, a light waiting to come out

Our work together will relieve the ache and illuminate the light within.

In case you’re wondering



the last place I traveled

books, crystals & cooking spices

things I own way too many of


favorite book



couldn’t live without

white sands national park

favorite place

my newborn son

obsessed about